4.3. Use cases

To configure MySecureShell, you need to edit the /etc/ssh/sftp_config file. By default MySecureShell comes with a commented example configuration. This may not match all your needs and you will need to modify it to get it working as expected.


Connect as root or use sudo to edit the configuration file.

To help you to understand and see what you can do with MySecureShell, we’re covering here some use cases.

4.3.1. Basic usage

In most of basic situations, you generally want:

  • A defined home directory for a user and a set of user (group)
  • Limit the bandwidth for the group (users)
  • Restrict group to it’s home directory
  • Have an admin user

Here is a configuration with commented examples:

    # For all users, they will have access to their own home directory
    Home        /home/$USER

<User admin>
    # This user can have advanced rights to manage MySecureShell from the CLI
    IsAdmin     true

<Group users>
    # Force users to stay in their home directory
    StayAtHome  true
    # Limit their download speed to 128k
    Download    128k
    # Limit their upload speed to 16k
    Upload      16k

4.3.2. Administering multiple websites

For this use case, let’s say you have multiple hosted clients and you have to manage their platforms. You want to:

  • Give your clients full rights to manage their website content
  • Limit the bandwidth
  • Force rights creation
  • Limit the number of connexions and idle time
  • Restrict their rights on files and folders

Here is a typical configuration:

    # For all users, they will have access to their own home directory
    Home                    /home/$USER
    # Force users to stay in their home directory
    VirtualChroot           true
    # Set global download for the server to 100m
    GlobalDownload          100m
    # Set global upload for the server to 100m
    GlobalUpload            100m
    # Limit user download speed to 1m
    Download                1m
    # Limit user upload speed to 1m
    Upload                  1m
    # Limit 6 users per IP
    LimitConnectionByIP     6
    # We limit a user up to 2 simultaneous connections
    LimitConnectionByUser   2
    # We do not want users to keep forever their idle connection
    IdleTimeOut             10m
    # Force user and group to apache daemon username
    # to avoid rights issues
    ForceUser               www-data
    ForceGroup              www-data
    # We do not want users to be able to set execution files
    MaximumRights           0640 0750
    # We do not want users to be able to change file attributes
    DisableSetAttribute     true

<VirtualHost www.example.com>
    # Set home directory for this virtualhost
    Home                    /var/www/sites/www.example.com
    # Set dedicated log file
    LogFile                 /var/log/sftp/www.example.com

<VirtualHost www.exemple.fr>
    # Set home directory for this virtualhost
    Home                    /var/www/sites/www.exemple.fr
    # Set dedicated log file
    LogFile                 /var/log/sftp/www.example.com
    # Override the maximum number of connection per user
    LimitConnectionByUser   4

We can see here 2 different VirtualHost which have their own home directory and logs file. They both inherit their configuration from the Default parent tag. However www.exemple.fr virtual host has a different configuration for the maximum of simultaneous connected users.

4.3.3. High restriction access

In a very strict situations, you may want to:

  • Restrict your user access to the minimum allowed files (images and pdf only)
  • Deny any changes on those files (read only)
  • Allow adding new files but in a specific folder (upload)
  • Limit to 1 connection per user maximum
  • Limit the bandwidth

Let’s say the Home folder contents looks like this:

drwxr-xr-x  2 user group  40 Aug 21 07:14 Download
drwxrwxrwx  2 user group  40 Aug 21 07:14 Upload

In the Download folder, read only files and folders will be present while in the Upload folder, users will be able to upload anything. Here is what it should looks like:

    # For all users, they will have access to their own home directory
    Home                    /home/sftp
    # Force users to stay in their home directory
    VirtualChroot           true
    # Set global download for the server to 100m
    GlobalDownload          100m
    # Set global upload for the server to 100m
    GlobalUpload            100m
    # Limit user download speed to 10m
    Download                10m
    # Limit user upload speed to 10m
    Upload                  10m
    # Deny user simultaneous connections
    LimitConnectionByUser   1
    # We do not want users to keep forever their idle connection
    IdleTimeOut             5m
    # We do not want users to be able to modify files once uploaded
    ForceRights             0440 0550
    # To be sure they do not have the permission to delete
    DisableRemoveFile       true
    DisableOverwrite        true
    # We do not want users to be able to change file attributes
    DisableSetAttribute     true
    # Apply filters
    ApplyFileSpec           AllowedExtensions

<FileSpec AllowedExtensions>
    # Only check against filenames/folder names only
    UseFullPath false
    # we can use multiple deny/allow directives for clarity
    Order AllowDeny
    # Only allow images and pdf extensions
    Allow ".*.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|raw|psd|pdf)$"
    # Deny anything else
    Deny all